Yet for kids and teens direct communication isn't always their strongest point. Very often they don't even know how to raise their voice and get heard. And when they do it might be too late. The level of emotional disturbance is the highest at this age. They either fall into depression, are lost in their own identity or tend to substance abuse. Just to name a few.

Teaching about Energetic Healing to students at the American University in Cairo, Egypt.

Teaching about Energetic Healing to students at the American University in Cairo, Egypt.


Besides the performance pressure at school and other external expectations they have to fulfill teens and young adults increasingly have to cope with major life transitions such as divorce of parents, losses of family members, different family structure, school changes, different routine or family finances. When these environmental conditions meet their own inner struggle they are overwhelmed. They tend to break under demands they can hardly live up to. 


Showing a students a method to clear energy blockages.

Showing a students a method to clear energy blockages.


My goal is to guide teens and young adults to better understand who they are, who they want to become and how to get there. I offer them a platform where they can explore their personality, discuss life transitions or address behavioural issues. Once they are aware of these things they develop the ability to self-correct on the things that are not helpful as well as the ability to use personal and life challenges to their advantage. 

Seeing the whole mosaic they will be able to make better decisions and abstain from things that will lead them astray. Parts that need to be worked on are:


  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Substance Abuse

  • Acute and chronic diseases/pain

  • Immune system

  • Trauma

  • Stress and tension

  • Relaxation

  • Blood pressure

  • Vitality

  • Phobias

  • Stress


  • Sports

  • Self love

  • Self Esteem

  • Happiness

  • Confidence

  • Goals/Performance

  • Poor social & communication skills

  • Lack of motivation

  • Creativity

  • Patterns of believes, thoughts & feelings

  • Exploring Sexuality/Body Image

  • Success

  • Life transition

  • School/Academic problems

  • Bullying/Teasing
